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What is Metaphysics ?... Special about metaphysics...

Metaphysics is the study of Reality.

 What is Metaphysics - Part 1:

A study of Mind by Mind.

It is an abstract and speculative study that includes Mankind and Life itself.

It is as old as Mankind and many discoveries have been made by the Great Thinkers of the past.

First of all, we all live forever because we are Immortal and Eternal Spiritual Beings!

The death of our physical body is not the end of our existence since we context exist in a different mode.

What we have learned in our physical existence becomes an aspect of our Mind and it becomes available to us in the future.

In other words, nothing is ever lost and all our experiences become the source of Knowledge and Wisdom in our future endeavors.

Secondly, each Lifetime or existence is a self-chosen affair and we select Lifetimes according to our needs.

As Spiritual Beings we live more than one lifetime and, in each Lifetimes, we gather Knowledge.

We are all Children of the Universe or God and the Wisdom gained in the past determines the way we behave in the present.

As Spiritual Beings, we are driven by our values and desires, and we are an individualized aspect of The Infinite Consciousness or God.

Thirdly, the Infinite Consciousness and Life itself are not governed by a system of punishment or rewards.

Mankind is an expression of God and the Energy we call God is of a neutral order.

We are our own masters and the consequences of our actions in our Lifetimes on Planet Earth are dealt with upon returning to the Spiritual Universe.

As Spiritual Beings, we survive our bodies and this forms the continuation of our Eternal and Infinite existence.

If some actions in our Lifetimes have been less than desirable, according to our own judgment, it is possible to correct or compensate for these in other Lifetimes.

We are reborn then, under conditions that make it possible for us to enjoy or endure the fruits of our past.

We are the ones who judge our own behavior and we have no other option but to fulfill our destiny in order to progress toward higher levels of Consciousness or Awareness in accordance with the Universal Law.

This Universal law is the Law of One!

In short, this amounts to knowing that all of us are really One or God.

Fourthly, we as Human Beings and God Beings have always existed, for we are aspects and manifestations of God.

This means that we participate in creating the Physical Reality at all times.

Time, Space, Matter and Energy are commodities that are recognized by us, as Spiritual Beings, via the senses of our body and our Conscious Mind.

They form the Reality of our Physical Environment and we accept this Reality as Real.

In actuality, the substances we call Matter are vibrations of Energy.

In other words, Time, Space as well as Matter form the illusionary scenery or stage upon which we perform our play.

These vibrations of Energy are the vibrations of the Infinite Consciousness or God.

Our Physical Reality is the Infinite Consciousness vibrating within a specific range of vibrations.

There is only Infinite Consciousness, or God, in different Forms or Aspects or Manifestations.

There is nothing else.

We are Spiritual Beings who live in the Infinite Consciousness and are the vibrations of the Infinite Consciousness.

The Infinite Consciousness is of a Holographic nature.

All Aspects, Manifestations or Forms of the Infinite Consciousness are miniature images of the Holographic Source, which is God.

In consequence, our body is but a Hologram we accept as solid or real.

We are the Creator and the Created at the same time.

Our entire existence or Life takes place in the Infinite Consciousness and all visible and invisible universes are Aspects or Thoughts of the Infinite Consciousness or God.

We, as Man, live within a certain realm of the Infinite Consciousness, known as the so-called Physical Universe, and we are the witnesses of our own Life or Reality!

To study Metaphysics will prove to each and every one of us that we are the Creator and the Created at the same time!

The drastic changes happening in this World at the present are part and parcel of the transformation we are experiencing from the Third Dimensional expression of Mankind, into the Fourth and Fifth Dimensional expression of ourselves, which is part of the Great Awakening.

We all will become more Aware of our own Greatness as God Beings.

We will also become more familiar with the many endeavors we have been engaged in, since the Creation of the Physical Universe.

We have been here from the beginning.

The world is still going to be our home for a long time to come.

In the very near future, we will be introduced again to some of our Older Brothers who are our Guardians.

They left us in Isolation, here on Planet Earth, for the last ten thousand years or so, in order for us to descend deeper into our Matter Creation.

In the future, we will reach for the stars, Technically as well as Spiritually.

We are the Creator or God in the form of Mankind.

The Infinite Consciousness is a Holographic Matrix and we, as a Spiritual Beings, are an image of this Matrix.

Infinitely small image, but complete!

This means that we have the same characteristics as the Infinite Consciousness or God and all we need to do is, recognize this and nurture the energies of our inner nature.

All of it is there!

Naturally, there is no way whatsoever that I want you to believe all this and whether I am right or wrong is a matter of your discernment.

It took me thirty years of this Lifetime to come to these conclusions and possibly I've been at it for many Lifetimes before.

Time however, as well as Lifetimes, are but temporary illusions.

I know that I will live infinitely because I'm a Divine Aspect and Manifestation of God!

When I live in a Physical Reality, my body functions as my individual spacesuit.

We are all here to discover Who or What we Really Are and so far, I am doing extremely well at it.

The Planet upon which we live at the present is like a gigantic School.

We all pass through this School.

Many have gone before us and no doubt, many will follow.

All lives are lived simultaneously.

There are different Grades in this School and the majority of students vary from infant to baby to young Spiritual Beings.

Then, there are some mature Spiritual Beings and a few old Spiritual Beings.

I place myself around the 65% finished mark with this particular Earth curriculum.

It really does not matter however where one is located, for our lives are not necessarily lived in a precise sequence of progression on the ladder of Awareness.

So, it is well possible that I have to finish some simpler lives yet and on the other hand I might have to experience a few lives on the higher end of the spectrum as well.

All lives are lived simultaneously anyway, so I only refer to my progression from a linear point of view.

When I return to the Spiritual Universe, I will find out for sure where I stand on the Ladder of Awareness.

No doubt there is always more to go.

As a rule, however, my western mind is too jumpy to be subdued to the clarity of the Sublime.

No big deal for me, some time ago I decided to stay in the midst of things and try to share some of my thoughts and ideas.

I know that Life is a self-made affair and my self-judgment is one of joyous approval.

That's why I have this inner smile and this means naturally that I am happy to be where I am and feel rewarded by what I am doing.

I would like to project you in the same State of Mind for it is most enjoyable and I hope that it is contagious!

What is Metaphysics - Part 2

Metaphysics is the study of Reality, the study of Life, the study of the of Spirit and the study of the Source of Creation, or God.

To study Metaphysics is a tremendous Task.

In order to begin we could ask ourselves the following questions:

Why are we alive?

What is a Spiritual Being?

Who created the Spiritual Being?

What is the purpose of our Life?

Who or what is the Creator of our World?

Will this World ever come to an end and how?

And yes, last of all, Who or What Really Are We?

The above questions will be answered one at a time.

We will see that all questions are really interconnected because the Physical Universe, the Spiritual Universe and Mankind are really One Energy or Being or God!

Please consider the following with an open mind.

Why are we alive?

We as a Human Beings are alive, because we as Spiritual Beings have always been alive!

At this stage of our Human Being Life however, or at this stage of our journey through our Creation, many of us do not remember that we are Immortal and Eternal Spiritual Beings, for our memory has been blocked on purpose.

This was not always the case.

Meanwhile, the lessons of our Life will teach us to remember Who or What We Really Are.

Infinite Life is an Infinite Cycle.

What really is a Spiritual Being?

A Spiritual Being lives in the Spiritual Universe and other Realities.

The Physical Universe is one of these Realities and we, as Human Beings, are the containers in which we, as Spiritual Beings, dwell for the sake of experiencing the human condition.

A Spiritual Being is an Aspect of the Creative Source or God and it is a Creator in its own right.

A Spiritual Being is a Holographic Energy reflection of the Creator or God.

We do not have a Spiritual Being.

We all are Immortal and Eternal Spiritual Beings.

Who created the Spiritual Beings?

The Creative Essence of the Universe or God has seemingly divided itself into different Aspects or Spiritual Beings.

Each Aspect of God or Spiritual Being, in and by itself, is a miniature Creator and it creates its own Life and Reality.

When a Spiritual Being finds itself associated with a Body and a Mind in the Physical Universe it is called a Human Being.

The experiences of a Spiritual Being and the Wisdom gathered by these experiences form the character or nature of the Spiritual Being.

Basically, a Spiritual Being is the student and the teacher simultaneously.

Under the guidance of our Guides and Helpers, who are Elder Spiritual Beings, all experiences are self-chosen.

These experiences form the Curriculum the Spiritual Being goes through in order to promote itself to more Advanced Levels of Awareness.

In each Lifetime the Spiritual Being learns more and more and the experiences, skills and abilities accumulate over the ages.

That's why certain individuals are wiser than others.

No Human Being however is more than another.

We all are the Creative Essence or God, Individualized.

What really is the purpose of our Life?

The purpose of our Life is to eventually become wiser and wiser and, in the long run, recognize ourselves as the Universal Creator or God, in Human Form.

The purpose of Life is complete Self-Knowledge or the attainment of the State of Conscious Creator!

A Conscious Creator is defined as an Eternal and Immortal Spiritual Being who is fully Aware that he is Creating its own Reality by mean of its Thoughts, and that he is God in Human Form.

In the meantime, there are as many purposes in the Universe as there are Beings.

The Earth is a School for Spiritual Beings in which all of us will eventually reach the State of Conscious Creator, via proper Education.

We are delivering the most Advanced Online Metaphysics Course in order to create a multitude of Conscious Creators on Planet Earth.

Who or what is the creator of our world?

We, as Spiritual Beings, are the representatives of the Creative Source or God and we are the Creators of the Physical Universe we live in.

However, our Reality is a “We-Thing” and there are Higher Evolved Beings in the Spiritual Universe who are responsible for Mankind.

These Higher Evolved Beings create whatever is necessary for Human Beings to graduate.

Human Beings have been on Planet Earth since the beginning of Time.

Time and/or Space however are aspects of our Creative endeavor.

We cannot really speak of a beginning in Time, since we, as Spiritual Beings, had to learn to live in Time and Space, as much as we had to learn to walk or speak.

Time and Space are illusionary conditions of the human experience.

We all create our own Reality or circumstances.

The Thoughts of the Spiritual Beings we are (in or out of the body) are the Creative Forces that create the Physical Universe.

This World is our Thoughts in Physical Form!

It is Consciousness or Mind slowed down to a frequency level by which it becomes Physically Real!

We, as Spiritual Beings, are the first Cause or Source of the Reality we live in.

This is true as Humanity as well as individual Human Beings.

We all create our own Reality, circumstances and happenings.

The Physical Reality we perceive is the product of our Mind or Consciousness!

Our Mind or Consciousness is the Universal Mind scaled down to human size.

There is but One Mind or Consciousness and it is God!

To discover that all this is true is an aspect of our proper Education as Spiritual Beings.

Will the World ever come to an end?

Our World will eventually come to an end but as long as there are Spiritual Beings interested in Physical existence there will always be other Worlds to exist upon.

The human stage of growth is an aspect of an infinite spectrum of Spiritual Beings existing in a symbiotic relationship.

Consciousness or Mind, as the Creative Force, will forever cycle and expand itself.

The expansion of Consciousness is not solely dependent on Life in the Physical Universe.

Energy follows Thought, not the reserve.

The answer as to "how" the Physical Universe will come to an end is simple.

All we need to do is quit Thinking about the Physical Universe, which means Creating it by mean of our Thoughts.

This will never happen naturally!

Evolution is an infinite cycle without Beginning or End.

Our collective Thoughts are the Forces that manifest our Physical Reality.

Energy follows Thought, not the reverse.

However, many other Forces all over the Universe are participants in the Creation of our Physical Reality.

We are the Creative Essence of the Universe or God, in Human Form, and we live in a Physical Reality system.

Living in a Physical Reality system is a specific aspect of Universal Evolvement or Education.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary Human Beings to understand Who or What We Really Are since we have lost Conscious contact with the Source of our Being or God.

This Source, and the existing Higher Evolved Beings who look after us, have not lost contact with us!

To reconnect with our Higher Self or Source is accomplished by attaining the State of Conscious Creator.

This is what all of us are trying to achieve and Metaphysics is the tool.

The following does not answer any specific question but it is meant as an additional answer to all of them.

All Things Are Interconnected!

In what we call the Past, the Great Spiritual Beings we were, decided to create a Physical Reality system and live in it.

We had no idea what this really entailed or how difficult this really was going to be.

Our Creative endeavors however, after billions of years of patience and ingenuity, have brought forth this World and all Human Beings upon it.

We, as these Human Beings, are the representatives or the instruments of the Creator or God we represent.

To realize that this is so, is the task we accepted as soon as we endeavored to isolate ourselves from the Source of our Being or God.

True isolation is impossible however, since we are and always will be the Source of Existence or Life.

To forget that we are this Source depends on how far we allow ourselves to descend into our Physical Creation.

The deeper we descend into Materialism and technological gadgets, the more we forget!

We, as Spiritual Beings, have gone about as far into Physical Reality as we need to in order to experience the full gamut of Physical existence.

The Great Awakening is the beginning of our return to our Creative Source or God.

The whole of Creation, visible as well as invisible, is a Dream of the Creator and at this stage of our Dream we dream that we are Human Beings who are actively participating in the Creation of our Dream.

The Creator or God is Consciousness Thinking, Dreaming or Creating Creation!

Mankind and the Physical Universe are but a small Aspect of this Creation or Dream.

To Awaken from our Dream and reach the State of Conscious Creator is the task of every Human Being.

We are Spiritual Beings incarnated in Human Bodies.

We are Aspects and Manifestations of the One and only Source or God and our purpose is to experience our Creation as Man.

We are the Creative Source in a Holographic and miniature version.

This makes it impossible to obliterate or do away with ourselves!

Suicide then, or Death in general, is not possible since we are the Source of Life and, as such, Immortal and Eternal!

Leaving our body is only a change in our modus operandi.

We have always been alive in one way or another.

Life is a "One Time Forever Phenomenon" and Life does not come and go.

Physical Life manifests itself in cycles of enormous duration and in the most diverse ways possible.

We, as Human Beings, are but one of these wonderful ways.

It is also very important to understand that whether we believe the above or not, belief or lack thereof, is not enough to either confirm or deny it.

Things are the way they are!

The laws and the activities of the Universe or God are beyond belief.

At this stage we are Human Beings and our task is to figure out the processes of Life and the Laws that govern them.

Naturally, nobody can order us to do so, but true happiness will not be found until we begin to understand our Cosmic Relationship with the Source of Life or God.

The study of Metaphysics is the study of the above assumptions and whether we study Metaphysics or not, will be the determining factor of our mental preparedness in future times.

Future years on this Planet will be very difficult and when we are psychologically prepared, we will be able to enjoy them a lot better.

For some of us however, it is not possible to expand our Mind or Consciousness in order to fully grasp the extent of our Cosmic Journey in just one Lifetime, even though it is possible with the most Advance Metaphysics Course.

However, we all live forever and all of us have to figure out the same puzzle sooner or later.

The sooner we start, the sooner we can relax and enjoy the show.

We Are God Alive!

Some Religions tell us that God lives within us.

What is really meant by God lives within us?

To many New Age People this means that We Are God manifested as Human Beings.

To recognize and totally realize this is our ultimate Goal or Purpose by mean of reaching the State of Conscious Creator!

Why have these Religions refused to tell us that we really are this God or Creator?

Could it be that they really did not know themselves?

Could it be that the Religions are the Blind who are leading the Blind!

Could it be that we needed to be ignorant of our Greatness in order to experience a certain State of Mind?

Are we God, descended into Flesh or Matter?

Are we living Life as an ignorant Human Being on purpose?

Do we, as the source of existence and Life, need to experience Human Life?

Is it possible that we are the Creator and play games as Human Beings in order to entertain ourselves?

Do we create tiny Human Beings and then hide within to be discovered by the Mind – a Mind that turns out to be God's Mind?

Are we the Father or God and do not know it?

Why don't we know it?

Are we on a trip through our Creation?

Is there but one way to experience the full gamut of Human Life?

Did we create ourselves, and then forget we did?

Are we lost in our own Creation?

Are we bored as the Creator and become Man in order to ask questions?

Could it be that the old teachings about the Creator or God are all wrong?

Who gave us these ideas?

Could it indeed be that all Religions and the whole world is wrong?

Is the world a Lie?

Is the Force that lives within us, the initiator of all the above questions?

Why does it want to know?

Are we and the Father one?

Are we lost Gods and do not know it?

What is Metaphysics - Part 3

Metaphysics is an Explanation of Life by means of Words.

Metaphysics is also the study of Reality.

What is Reality?

Reality is what we Experience.

What we experience is the Creator's dream.

What the Creator or God dreams or thinks becomes Reality.

We are this Creator!

The only Reality that is important in our Life is the Reality we experience.

The Reality we experience is the Reality we need and create.

Our Reality is a collective Creation, but our Perception is a personal one.

Reality and its Perception is different for every Human Being, because all of us are in different stages of evolvement or creativity and have different Perception systems.

Many people experience realities in which they have encounters with UFOs and their occupants.

Naturally, they have great trouble convincing other people what happened to them.

Before we can explain what UFOs really are, we first of all have to understand what the basic Medium of the Universe really is.

The entire Universe is a "Free Flowing Vibration of Energy" which is Infinite in its variety and diversity.

It is our own Mind or Consciousness engaged in the process of Creation!

The Universe is an infinite ocean of Universal Energy in Continuous Vibration.

From this Vibrating Universal Energy or God arises everything that exists.

This Vibrating Universal Energy is our own Mind or Consciousness engaged in the Process of Creation.

Our Personal Mind is an infinitely tiny aspect of the One Universal Energy or God.

There is but One Mind.

All things in the Universe are Vibrations of Energy and all Vibrations differ in frequencies and patterns.

What Vibrates is Energy, Consciousness, Mind or God.

Some people call this Spirit or Aether.

The diversity of all Vibrations is the basis of all existence.

Specific types of Vibration produce our Reality, visible as well as invisible!

Cosmic Vibrations naturally include UFOs and we'll discuss some of these phenomena later.

The question whether or not some people experience extra ordinary experiences has always been difficult for the rest of Mankind to believe and whether these experiences are true or false has often been an endless topic of conversation.

Whatever anybody experiences is Real to the person who experiences it.

Many people infer that certain people suffer from self-induced hallucinations and that certain things only take place in their Mind.

This is literally true!

For all things take place in everybody's Mind or Consciousness.

There is no Physical Objective Reality and there is only ONE Mind or Consciousness!

This One Mind or Consciousness is the Universe we live in and are as manifestation of God!

We all live in and share this One Mind or Consciousness and when something unusual is experienced by one man, it is experienced by all of us in a semi-subjective manner!

The majority of Mankind is unaware of what happens in this One Mind or Consciousness.

Even the most sensitive among us are still far too dense to be aware of all that goes on.

No one Being can know all happenings in the One Mind or Consciousness.

Some experiences are indeed very unusual.

We cannot classify unusual experiences as unreal or nonsense however.

Life in the so-called Physical plane is a Creative endeavor and it is experienced by Spiritual Beings.

This endeavor becomes Reality for the vehicle or Body we think we live in.

We, as Spiritual Beings, experience all events and the physical body is the facilitator of the daily occurrences that take place in the plane of the Physical.

The plane of the Physical is also called the plane of Separation, the plane of Isolation or the plane of Illusion!

The plane of Illusion is indeed a very appropriate name, because all things we experience are not what they seem to be.

All things in the Physical are a perfect illusion!

Our Body and its senses deceive us.

It is meant to be this way!

The Human Body or vehicle is a complexity of Energy Vibrations.

These Energy Vibrations of our Body are accepted as a material substance by our Conscious Mind.

Our Body however, does not consist of Matter, or any other kind of solid substance!

Our Body is a Vibration of Cosmic Energy of great complexity and it is superimposed by another and superior complex of Vibrations, namely the Spiritual Being.

This super-imposed complexity is the Vibration of the Spiritual Being that is trying to control the Human Body and Mind.

The body is under the command of the Spiritual Being like a taxi is under the command of the driver.

At Physical Death the complexity of Energy-Vibrations that make up the Human Body and the Vibrations of the Spiritual Being separate.

The Spiritual Being continues on its journey.

The Spiritual Being is an everlasting Aspect of the Universal Mind or Consciousness, or God.

Spiritual Beings are Aspects of the Universal Mind or God like hobbies are aspects of Human Beings.

We all are the One Mind or Consciousness with different functions.

These functions are determined by the Free Will of the Spiritual Being and the need of the Whole.

They are endured or enjoyed by the character or personality of the Spiritual Being.

The World is our stage.

All of us are actors.

What really experiences human life?

The Human Body is only an instrument or vehicle and the Spiritual Being is the actual Force or Energy that lives and experiences Life.

The Human Body and its Senses are the facilities that are used by the Spiritual Being to live in the Physical Universe.

The Human Body's significance is of a temporary nature only.

In this period of our Creative sojourn we make a lot of fuss about our Bodies.

This only proves that we are next to unaware of our Greater Self.

However, without a Human Body, the Spiritual Being would not be able to exist in a Physical Reality.

The Physical Reality is a Sensory Reality and what we Create or construct from the "Cosmic Energy Force Fields" or Aether in our Environment or Reality - is the World as we know it.

We do the same thing when we look at a movie or at a TV screen.

What we accept as Real is not really there.

What we are looking at are Vibrations of Energy!

The Human Perception mechanism produces what we think we see or experience.

What we experience is a very crafty and beautiful Illusion!

This Illusion is experienced when we live in a Human Body, because its Senses are the producers of the show inspired by the Free Will of the Creator Within - the Spiritual Being.

Not all Spiritual Beings are in control of the Human Bodies they live in however.

The Human Body has a Will of its own.

The World is made of Dream Stuff!

Welcome to the Magic of Physical Reality.

Dream Stuff or the Vibrations of Consciousness is the only thing that exist!

What Happens When We Encounter a UFO?

First of all, we must remember that all things in the Universe are Vibrations of Universal Energy or God.

All these Energy Vibrations have different Frequencies and all Vibrations have different patterns or complexes.

Also, we need to understand that these Energy Vibrations take up no actual volume of space and therefore many different patterns of vibrations can take place within the same local or environment.

What we know as Space therefore - is not something that is empty.

Space is full of Vibrating Energy!

Most of these Vibrations are beyond detection by our Senses.

The activity or Vibration we are aware of, in what we call Space, is the activity that forms the Physical Universe as we know it.

The activity or Vibration of the Physical Universe could well be less than 1% of the total action that exist.

In an instant UFOs change their Forms and appear to us as Physical Beings.

Whenever UFOs and their operators enter our Physical Reality, they emerge from the invisible into the visible regions of Creation.

They do this, by lowering the Frequency of their Vibrations.

They were present at all times, but now they have become visible in the Physical Reality.

Normally we look right through them!

That is why, in many cases, these UFOs seem to appear from nowhere.

These “Extra-Terrestrial Beings” have control over their Vibrating Energy and they can appear to us in the Form of almost anything.

In an instant they change their Forms and appear to us as Physical Beings.

Physical Beings are "Energy Vibrations" that lie within our visible spectrum or Physical Reality.

Most likely, all Extra-Terrestrial Beings have x-ray vision and can see through brick walls or bathroom doors.

They know our whereabouts at all times.

They could even touch our valuables in a steel safe, for they are not bothered by walls of steel or concrete.

We, as Human Beings, on the other hand are only equipped with Surface Vision and limited Senses, and a brick wall will stop us pretty quick.

All Creatures and Things are Cosmic Energy Vibrations or Manifestation of God.

UFOs and their operators actually move from Thought to Thought since all things in the entire Universe are only Forms of Universal Mind or Consciousness!

The entire Universe, visible and invisible, in actuality is our Mind or Consciousness!

We share this Mind or Consciousness with all Creatures and Things in the Universe as we are One, or God.

All Creatures and Things are Cosmic Energy Vibrations and all these Vibrations make up our day to day Environment.

We all live in Worlds within Worlds and none of them is of a Material substance.

Matter as we think of it does not exist!

Matter is composed of 99,99999% of emptiness!

What we call Matter is a certain type of Vibration that takes place within a certain Frequency Band that can be translated by our Senses and perceived by the Spiritual Being we are.

This Frequency Band contains all known and unknown phenomena that take place in our Physical Universe.

Scientists think that about 90% of the Universe is missing.

They might come to this conclusion, because they are only using 10% of their Mind or Consciousness.

Which is not all that bad for most people use only 5% of what is available.

Could that be the reason why all of us keep returning to Planet Earth, again and again, in order to claim what's missing?

Since Mind or Consciousness is all there is in the Universe, the expansion of the Physical Universe really is the expansion of the Universal Mind or Consciousness.

Why Do UFOs Visit Planet Earth?

The Human population, in its entirety, is the result of a Gigantic Cosmic Experiment.

We, as Human Beings, are this Experiment in progress.

We have been evolving from the Beginning of Time or Beginning of Physical Reality.

Our Guardians or Older Brothers are responsible for our welfare!

As soon as we become Self-Aware however, we become Responsible for our own Progress.

Often this is the most critical stage!

In this stage, a few of us have reached Self-Responsibility, while others Human Beings still like to be told what to do.

These Human Beings will be dominated by those who like to control Humanity by means of their Political or Religious Philosophies.

In the future however, the World of Mankind will slowly enter a phase of Government without exploitation.

This will be a phase of Love, Trust and Cooperation between Human Beings.

The time of Aggression, Competition and phony Belief Systems is almost passed.

The UFO visits of the past were required to conduct Experiments and Supervision.

There are also Extra-Terrestrial Beings in higher densities, however, who take advantage of Human Beings and drain their Energies.

In the Future a more direct contact with our Guardians will take place for the time of Isolation will have passed.

Meanwhile, many different kinds of Extra-Terrestrial Beings visit our Planet and it is possible that many “Space Brothers” know more about us than we know about ourselves.

All of us are the Creator or God in different Forms, Aspects or Manifestations.

The relationship between our Guardians and ourselves is similar to the relationship between ourselves and the Animal World.

We all are "The Universal Creator or God in Manifestation" and neither of us is any greater or better than any other.

All of us are the Creator or God in different Forms!

Naturally, this also means that an ordinary virus, however nasty, is as much the Universal Creator as the most powerful Spiritual Being in all its Glory!

In no way therefore, should we, as Human Beings, be ashamed of our relatively low level of evolution compared to our Older Brothers or any other Higher Entity.

We all are equals and Mind-Aspects of each other.

All Beings in the Universe are children of the Infinite Source of Creation or God, which we refer to as Universal Consciousness or Mind.

This Universal Consciousness or Mind is the very Medium in which all things are Thoughts or "Vibrations of Energy".

All things are this Universal Consciousness or Mind.

There is nothing else but this Universal Consciousness or Mind, or God.

Apparently, there are many different kinds of Extra-Terrestrial Beings.

UFO visits, therefore, are a common phenomenon in our World and all occurrences are Aspects of a Cosmic Relationship.

We all learn from these UFO visits and this includes Extra-Terrestrial Beings.

Many of these Extra-Terrestrial Beings do not have the faintest idea what it is like to be Human.

The people who are taken aboard UFOs are examined in order to assure that proper Bodies will be available for Human Beings in future stages of evolution.

There are also Extra-Terrestrial Beings who take advantage of Human Beings.

We are the Creator and we all play the Game of God in accordance with our own Level of Awareness.

Metaphysics, the ancestor of Modern Physics, is the only Science on Planet Earth that helps Humanity understand What Are Our Origins, Who We Really Are and Where We Are Going.

-Thank you


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Cyber security ......!   We depend on technology heavily, which also translates to a rise in online hackers. The bigger the corporation is, the higher the risk of cyber attacks. This is when cybersecurity comes into the picture. What is cybersecurity:                  Cybersecurity is the condition of being guarded against criminal and illegal activities that comprise of activities related to computer, information technology, and virtual reality. It also means the measures taken to acquire this condition. One must know the risks, threats, and consequences of cyber attacks. Who are the attackers:                   The attacker could be an external source like a hacker who gets into the system and steals files. The imposter could even be someone from the company itself, like an employee who has an access to confidential information. How are the attacks carried out:         ...

How can I earn money through Instagram ?

  The best way to make money on Instagram...?? First of all, to start earning money with Instagram you’re going to need a decent following, reach, exposure and content. No worries I’m going to break this down so you’re not going to get confused. To start things of the first thing you’re going to need is a following. My advice would be to concentrate only on creating quality content and consistency before reaching 10K followers. Here are the reasons why we want to do that. Monetizing your account too early is going to reduce your exposure and growth rapidly, since people are not as likely to follow you. Example: Many people on Instagram are trying to sell a course / book / shoutout etc. to you but would you buy a course that promises you to gain 100 followers a day from an account with 20 followers? I guess not. Another reason why we want to wait till we reach the 10K would be the swipe up feature. You unlock it after passing 10K followers and switch to creator or business profile a...