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What is the best way to feel good when depressed?

Depression is a mental illness where a person can be affected both physically and mentally. If someone feels sad or low for a long period, that is called depression. Generally depressed people do not like to go out of their homes, hardly talk with others, become addicted to social network websites, spend time alone and wake up late in the morning. They always feel that life is unfair. Besides, they have no control over their emotions. Moreover, they may get depressed without any reason.

Depression drains out all the energy from people. It is almost impossible to get rid of depression within an overnight, it requires time. But everyone must learn to cope up with the depression. From experiencing depressive moments, I can tell you that there are some things that can help you feel better when depressed :-

  1. Group travel with family and friends : Group travel is really effective to cope up with depression. It will help you to feel better. Generally, in a group travel, at least 4–5 people travel together. So, the depressed person has to talk, interact and experience traveling and socializing. It will help in easing the feeling of being depressed and give an ecstatic feeling.
  2. Being involved with outdoor sports : Sports improve our mood, concentration, reduce anxiety, stress and boost self confidence. It has a lot of health benefits. If a depressed person involves with any outdoor sports, he has to play as a part of team member and interact a lot with team members to make a game strategy for winning. You can play basketball, football, hockey, baseball and cricket. Basically it enhances team spirit. Moreover, sports help to increase blood circulation and make our body fit.
  3. Running, physical exercise and cold shower : Running and physical exercise conduce good feelings in our mind. Run at least 15 minutes early morning. Then do physical exercise. After that, a cold shower, to bring freshness and mental relaxation. It will bring a huge change in life. Physical exercise helps to keep our body active and remove laziness. Overall, running, physical exercise and cold showers start one’s day the positive way.
  4. Spending time doing what you love: Everybody loves to do some work. It can be photography, reading, sketching, collecting antiques, cooking, coding and so on. Moreover, spending time with loved ones can be a mental support. Spend huge amount of time doing what you love to do. It will give immense mental pleasure.
  5. 30 minutes Meditation: Meditation brings peace in our life. If we do 30 minutes meditation per day, it will give us mental pleasure. Meditation is a good method to handle depression.
  6. Taking CBT (Cognitive Behavioral therapy) sessions : Cognitive behavioral therapy is an impressive method used by therapists and counselors to change the thought pattern of a person. CBT is a recognized method for treatment of depression. Usually lots of sessions are required to remove these destructive feelings. An individual will feel better gradually after every session.
  7. Recall good memories, compliments and achievements : Depression creates inferiority problem ie, it decreases a person’s self worth to himself. So, try to recall good memories, compliments and achievements in your life. You will feel good.
  8. Let it go : All the sufferings, low feelings, sadness, failures - just let it go. Whatever the situation, just let it go. At the end of the day, none of that matters.
  9. The power of praying : Prayer has a positive and insightful power. So, pray everyday and surrender yourself to God. You will feel light and burden-free. Visit temples, churches, mosques and Pagodas.
  10. Read ‘The power of now- Echkart Tolle' and ‘Feeling good-David D. Burns' : Both books are crucial to cope up with depression. It's like a self-help guide to reduce low moods. Whenever you feel depressed, read one chapter of any of these two books and you will feel better.
  11. Sunlight theory : Go out of your home, walk and spend 15–20 minutes under the sunlight. Sometimes, people are depressed due to seasonal changes. It especially happens in the winter season. When depressed people spend time under the sunlight, it gives them a splendid feeling.
  12. Write down the reasons of your depression : Write down the reason of your low mood in a notebook. Write down everything in your mind. Having a clear idea about those reasons, it will make you feel better as you’ve released your emotion in a notebook.
  13. Listen to relaxing music : Relaxing music has a fabulous effect in your mind for controlling stress. Find some good music in YouTube and listen it when you feel depressed. It will have a positive impact in your mind.
  14. Stress free theory : There is one simple rule to get rid of all the stress. Leave all the expectations from anyone and yourself. These ideas will help you to stop worrying about your job, business, academic results and other stress factors of your life because you are living in a competitive life where someone is always doing better than you. So, leave all the expectations, live a simple life, and find ways to improve personal development. This theory is also effective for depressed people to make their life easy.

For getting link for reduce depression & anxiety by happiness...

Suffering depression is not your fault. It is just a disease. Positive lifestyle, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy and medication will help a person to get a cure from this disease.


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