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Showing posts from September, 2020

How to live healthy lifestyle ?

  Things which you can follow and your health will be benefited : Breath : Yes, It sounds silly but yet breathing is something which we all are doing wrong. First you should never breath through your mouth because our nose is a type of filter which filters the air and then it converts O2(Oxigen) into NO2(Nitrogen) .So it’s important to breath through your nose, even if you are sleeping you should breath through your nose always.Breathing through your mouth will create a lot of health problems like digestion lungs problems. Body posture : You heard it right, good body posture is as important as everything in your life. Good and straight spine will help you to have a healthy body. Drinking water : Drink at least 2.5 litrs of water everyday. Do not drink more that 3 litrs of water at a time. I can describe it as drink 8 glass of water everyday.One thing you should keep in mind that you should drink water at morning before brushing your teeth. Our morning saliva contains anti bactorial pro

How do I earn through YouTube.

Earn Through  @ YouTube ..... When a person decides that their primary source of income will be earned online, they need to  think about how best to achieve this.   Most people choose blogging as their method for earning online income. Maybe it’s because they are lured by CPC values of certain keywords in interesting niches, or maybe they just like writing. But there’s another very good option:  YouTube. You may be surprised to hear that YouTube  could help you earn more  than you would from traditional blogging. This is particularly true in the  first phase  of your online stride. Let’s examine why YouTube may prove to be a better monetization method than blogging. 1) No domain and hosting investment. The biggest advantage of YouTube is that you  do not need to buy a domain or hosting package  to get started. Instead, you can make your online presence known simply by the virtue of your channel. The YouTube channel is where a user will see all of the uploads and recent activity of the

How can I earn money through Instagram ?

  The best way to make money on Instagram...?? First of all, to start earning money with Instagram you’re going to need a decent following, reach, exposure and content. No worries I’m going to break this down so you’re not going to get confused. To start things of the first thing you’re going to need is a following. My advice would be to concentrate only on creating quality content and consistency before reaching 10K followers. Here are the reasons why we want to do that. Monetizing your account too early is going to reduce your exposure and growth rapidly, since people are not as likely to follow you. Example: Many people on Instagram are trying to sell a course / book / shoutout etc. to you but would you buy a course that promises you to gain 100 followers a day from an account with 20 followers? I guess not. Another reason why we want to wait till we reach the 10K would be the swipe up feature. You unlock it after passing 10K followers and switch to creator or business profile and t

What type food better for healthy lifestyle.


What are the advantages of artificial intelligence?

  Artificial Intelligence is a field that is seeing rapid development and has an impact on our day to day life. Before looking into its advantages, first let’s understand what an AI is? Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence  in simple terms, is nothing but the simulation of human intelligence done by machines that are programmed by us. The machines need to learn how to reason and do some self-correction as needed along the way. Advantages of Artificial Intelligence: Using AI for a task has improved our life drastically. Let’s look at some of its advantages: 1) Reduction in Human Error The phrase “ human error ” was born because humans make mistakes from time to time. Computers, however, do not make these mistakes if they are programmed properly. With Artificial intelligence, the decisions are taken from the previously gathered information applying a certain set of algorithms. So errors are reduced and the chance of reaching accuracy with a greater degree of precision is a pos

Which language good for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  May be this was so long information despite you have to read once... Not one language is best for AI but the three language levels, that you usually need. Bare metal language level, that is Assembly and other hardware efficient routines, which also includes the usage of GPU and FPGA power. This will cover crucial algorithms and you can do that like at least 5 times faster than on the next level. Compiler language level, usually “C”, where you get shit done and where you are implementing the bigger algorithms at large. With access to very efficient subroutines in Assembly or hardware, you get an almost optimal way of processing data. Everything you do here is at least 5 times faster than the next level, often you get factor 200 or up to factor 10k. Don’t do any actual work on the next level. The script level, which is usually any HLL, but a simple and efficient script like Lua would even work. Sometimes you’ll find data base level here or even the use of prototype languages like Prolo