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Best time to sleep & workout or exercise...

Time for health....!!!

1].Sleeping time:--

Is there a best time to sleep?

 There is a saying that sleeping early and waking up early is good for your health. How true is that? Is it alright to sleep late and wake up late?

You actually have an amazing biological clock ticking inside your body. It is very precise. It helps to regulate your various body functions including your sleeping time.

From 11pm to 3am, most of your blood circulation concentrates in your liver. Your liver gets larger when filled with more blood. This is an important time when your body undergoes detoxification process. Your liver neutralizes and breaks down body toxins accumulated throughout the day.

However if you don't sleep at this time, your liver cannot carry out this detoxification process smoothly.

· If you sleep at 11pm, you have full 4 hours to detoxify your body.

· If you sleep at 12am, you have 3 hours.

· If you sleep at 1am, you have 2 hours.

· And if you sleep at 2am, you only have 1 hour to detoxify.

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What if you sleep after 3am? Unfortunately, you won't have any time to actually detoxify your body. If you continue with this sleeping pattern, these toxins will accumulate in your body over time. You know what happens next.

Time to sleep:-

  1. Infants and toddlers require 12 - 16 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period.
  2. Preschoolers and grade schoolers require 10 - 14 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period.
  3. Teenagers and young adults require 9 - 12 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period.
  4. Twenty-five year olds to fifty year olds require 7 - 10 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period.
  5. Fifty year olds on up require the same amount of sleep in a 24 hour period as teenagers.

What if you sleep late and wake up late?

Have you tried going to bed very late at night? Did you realize you feel very tired the next day no matter how much you sleep?

Sleeping late and waking up late is indeed very bad for your health. Besides not having enough time to detoxify your body, you will miss out other important body functions too.

From 3am to 5am, most blood circulation concentrates in your lung. What should you do at this moment? Well, you should exercise and breathe in fresh air. Take in good energy into your body, preferably in a garden. At this time, the air is very fresh with lots of beneficial negative ions.

From 5am to 7am, most blood circulation concentrates in your large intestine. What should you do at this moment? You should poop! Pass out all unwanted poop from your large intestine. Prepare your body to absorb more nutrients throughout the day.

From 7am to 9am, most blood circulation concentrates in your stomach. What should you do at this moment? Have your breakfast! This is your most important meal in a day. Make sure you have all the required nutrients from your breakfast. Not having breakfast causes lots of health problems for you in the future.

That's the way to start your day

There you are... the most ideal way to start your day. After fully detoxifying your blood during your sleep, you wake up fresh to inhale beneficial energy. Then you pass out unwanted poop from your large intestine. After that, you take in balanced nutrients to prepare your body for a new day.

No wonder people living in villages or farms is healthier. They sleep early and wake up early. They follow their natural biological clock.

Living in city, we have more difficulty in following this sleeping schedule. We have good lightning, TV and internet to delay our precious sleeping time.

Following your natural timetable

Once I know the importance of our biological clock, I try my best to follow it. If I wake up early, I usually start my day on the computer. But when I see the clock shows 7am, I know it's the best time for breakfast. So I'll try to have my breakfast before 9am for best absorption.

What if you're offered a night shift job? I recommend you to reject it even the salary is higher. For long term, you may need to spend more money for your health problems.

What if you have assignment to do until late at night? Well, why not sleep early and wake up earlier to do it? Just shift your work time from late night to early morning. You get the same time. But your body will appreciate it.

2].Workout time:--

Morning Workout:-

If you are ready to leave your beloved bed early, morning time is the best for workouts. Some of its benefits are:-

  1. Many researches suggest that those who exercise in the morning are better in following their fitness routine as they have a strong will power.
  2. Morning workouts boost our metabolism. In layman’s language, we will have a greater capability to burn calories. For those who are looking forward to loosing weight, it is surely the best time.
  3. When you workout in the morning, it means you have started your day earlier. You will get a mental satisfaction of having completed an important work and feel active, energetic and fresh throughout the day.
  4. Morning is also the time when you look forward to the day. Workouts have proven to increase mental capabilities. So, you will feel boosted up for work/school/college. Positive vibes will be running in your veins.
  5. After getting a good night’s sleep and rest, you will also have the energy to workout.
  6. If you workout in a garden/park, you will also get ayurvedic benefits of morning dew and acupressure from the grass beneath.

Evening Workout:-

If your work, routine and lifestyle does not allow you to workout in morning, evening time is another good alternative. It has some other kinds of benefits. Such as:-

  1. Some researches show that we can do more strength oriented exercises in evening time. This is because, unlike morning when we are groggy and sleepy, during evenings, our brain and body is already active from the whole day’s activities. Those who are looking forward to be a bodybuilder, it is the best time.
  2. When we workout in the morning, our brain is already stressed for the day’s activities but we feel very relaxed in evening. Also, evening workouts help release whole day’s stress.
  3. After an evening workout, we feel hungry and spent. Naturally, it is better for gaining weight and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  4. Those who strictly follow an evening workout routine, get an invisible benefit too. Researches suggests that these people are better at avoiding late night parties and pubs. This is beneficial for those who are willing to get rid of habits of partying and drinking.

Which is better- morning workout or evening workout?

Me and you cannot generalize which timing is better. Best timing is the one that fits in your schedule and one that you can easily follow (almost) daily.

You will have to decide when you want to workout. Keep in mind your reason behind exercising- whether to stay fit, be a bodybuilder, gain or loose weight, it all depends on you.


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