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How to get a glowing skin without any use of skincare products?

     I assume you don't want to use beauty or skincare products which are available in the market and want to get healthy looking skin the natural way. Let me help you with this.

1. Stay hydrated: 

   Like everyone says, drink plenty of water. It helps in hydrating your body from within and flushes out toxins, leading to clearer skin.

2. Make healthy food choices:

    Include healthy food into your diet and stay away from the junk! Ditch those pastas, pizzas, burgers and start eating more of home-cooked clean meal, salads, green veggies.

3. Exercise: 

     It not only helps in loosing weight, but also helps in getting a clearer skin. Sweat it out, but also do take care of the hygiene and take a bath after completing your workout session or else you'll end up having acnes.

4. Sleep really well:  

    Have you ever noticed that when you don't take enough sleep your skin looks tired the next day. I even end up having breakouts due to lack of sleep. However, when I get plenty of uninterrupted sleep it simply shows on my face. Sleep really does play a crucial role in keeping a healthy looking skin.

5. Say bye-bye to caffeine: 

      Caffeinated drinks do give us a feeling of relaxation, but that's only for a short-time period. Taking a cup of tea or coffee in a day is fine, however going overboard with the number of cups just causes harm to our body. Instead, drink more of the juices (not the canned ones and the aerated drinks). Also, reduce your consumption of alcohol. It all shows on your skin.

6. Topical care: 

     I understand that you don't really want to get into using skincare products, but following a CTM (i.e., Cleansing Toning Moisturizing) twice a day does wonders to your skin! Wash your face with a good cleanser or a facewash. Then, use a toner to calm your skin down and sooth your pores. After that, use a good moisturizer to make your skin plump, soft and healthy looking. Please use the products according to your skin type. 

•   You can also use homemade ubtan             which   is made by mixing gram flour + curd/raw milk + a pinch of turmeric + honey ( you may add 2–3 drops of sweet almond oil if using in winters). You can use the ubtan twice a  week. Keep it on for 20–30 minutes, then wash it off with water.

  • ⋙⋙⋙ Take Steam at least twice a week and you'll start noticing the difference on your own.
  • ⋙⋙⋙  For cleanser, you can simply mix some multani mitti (Fuller's earth) with some neem powder and water. Use this to clean your face.
  •    ⋙⋙⋙  For toner, you can either use rose water or you can use a homemade toner. For that you need to mix 1 part of Apple Cider Vinegar in 2 parts of water and apply this solution all over your face with the help of a cotton pad.
  •   ⋙⋙⋙ For moisturizer, you can use any anything that suits your skin. Or, you can take some aloe vera gel (natural or store bought) and then add a few drops of vitamin- E oil into it. Vitamin- E capsules are easily available in the market. Just pop 2–3 capsules and mix them into the gel. Your diy moisturizer is ready!
  •   ⋙⋙⋙ If you are facing any serious skin related issues then visit a dermat and get proper treatment.

Follow all these steps and try staying away from stress. Laugh alot, eat fresh fruits and veggies, sleep on time and you will feel the difference.

Also, you can add these DIY recipes into your skincare routine for extra care and pampering.

What is your Skin care routine??

Comment below...👇👇👇


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