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What are the best SEO plugins for WordPress?

 There are many Wordpress plugins that helps in SEO in different ways few of them are as follows -

1. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is the best WordPress SEO module available. It offers a total site improvement device that encourages you to improve your site.

It lets you effectively add SEO titles and descriptions to all posts and pages on your site. You can also use it to include Open Graph metadata and social media images to your articles.

Using SEO by Yoast you can do following things:

Add meta value for homepage

Add meta value for single post

Social SEO

Create sitemap file

Edit robots.txt and .htaccess

Control indexing of your blog

2. SEMRush

SEMRush is the best by and large SEO tool available. Used by proficient SEO specialists, marketers, bloggers, and organizations all things considered, it gives a thorough set of tools to develop your traffic.

3. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is an across the board SEO tool for marketers, bloggers, and organizations. It is a famous option to SEMRush and offers a lot of comparative tools and highlights.

It permits you to do keyword research, competitor research, backlink research, monitor keyword rankings, and more.

4. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool offered by Google to help site owners monitor and keep up their site's quality in Google SERP’s.

Above all, it shows which keywords your site is ranking for, anchor texts, average position, impressions and more. You can use this information to discover keywords where you can rank higher by simply optimizing your content. You can also use this keyword information to come up with new blog post thoughts.

5. All in one SEO Pack

Across the board SEO Pack is a well known WordPress SEO module offering a comprehensive set of tools to improve your site. It permits you to effectively include SEO titles and meta tags, opengraph meta labels, XML sitemaps, image sitemaps, and more.

6. Google Keyword Planner

This free device is offered to Google's marketers for free and anybody can use it. Its primary intention is to show marketers the keywords they can offer for their advertising campaigns.

It additionally assists sponsors for picking the correct keywords by indicating them with an estimate of search volume, number of results, and difficulty level.

7. SEOpress

SEOPress is another basic yet incredible WordPress SEO module. It incorporates all the features you would anticipate from a SEO module like meta title, description, open diagram support, image and content XML sitemaps, redirects, and more.

8. Rank Math

Rank Math is a quickly developing easy to use WordPress SEO module that permits you to optimize your site for search engines and social media. It accompanies a setup wizard and permits you to import information from other SEO modules during the setup.

Rank Math is a plugin that helps your WordPress website improve SEO rankings. The tool is focused primarily on On-Page SEO and offers features that cover all sorts of SEO techniques (from basic to advanced). When starting working on a new article, you can add your targeted keywords within the tool and with its help, you will be able to write professional SEO friendly content. Your content will be permanently checked by Rank Math and the tool will highlight the correct SEO settings but also the required improvements.

Here are some features of Rank Math.

  • You can use up to five targeted keywords.
  • The tool suggests long-tail keywords while entering your targeted keyword.
  • Rank Math checks the keyword density for your targeted keyword.
  • The tool checks if internal and external linking are missing in your articles.
  • You can edit meta description, meta title, etc.
  • The tool checks the title and content readability.
  • You can create and manage your sitemap.
  • The tool allows you to connect Google Search Console. This way you have an overall overview of your website traffic within your admin panel.
  • You can add monitor your 404, add redirections, etc.

This makes Rank Math a great tool especially for beginners who are just starting out with SEO.

9. All in One Schema Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets permit you to make your site stand out in SERP’s by indicating star ratings below a review, costs below any product, image or video beside the description, etc.

Search engines use information accessible in the Schema organisation to get this data. Across the board Schema Rich Snippets encourages you to advance your site by adding that Schema metadata to your site.

10.WP Rocket

Site speed is a main consideration in search rankings. That is the reason you have to screen your site speed and execution to ensure it's not influencing your SEO.

The most straightforward approach to support your site speed is by empowering reserving. WP Rocket is the best WordPress reserving module available, which permits you to set up storing without jumping into any specialized stuff.

11. Monsterinsights

MonsterInsights is the wagers Google Analytics module for WordPress. It permits you to effectively introduce Google Analytics in WordPress and shows intelligible reports inside your WordPress dashboard.

12. Broken link checker:

Broken link checker plugin is a very useful plugin for finding all internal and external broken links (404 links). 404 links are nothing but a dead end for search engine spiders, and it’s highly advisable to remove such links.

13. SEO Smart Link WordPress plugin:

SEO Smart Link WordPress plugin lets you automatically link your words to any post link. This is very useful for on-page optimization. By finding your site’s high ranking keywords using the Google webmaster tool, you can boost your site’s ranking.

14. Google XML Sitemap plugin:

This plugin is widely recommended for generating a sitemap of your blog, but I suggest that you ignore this plugin as you can now use the sitemap feature of the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin.

15. SEO friendly Images:

This plugin adds ALT attributes into your images, though you need to take care of the image name. If you upload images with names like image002.jpeg or DSC001.jpeg, I would suggest that you make it a point to start giving your images more useful names right away.

16. W3 Total Cache:

W3 Total Cache is the most powerful and comprehensive caching plugin available. This plugin handles everything from combine and minification for both CSS and JS to HTML linebreak and comment removal, disk caching, browser caching and more.

17. Rel NoFollow Checkbox:

Rel NoFollow Checkbox is a simple WordPress plugin which adds a checkbox in the insert link popup of WordPress post editor. This popup already has a check box which allows you to open links in new tab.

SEO Tools:

  • SEMrush
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Open Site Explorer
  • SEOquake


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