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How to increase immunity level in body. Immunity, food , drinks etc.

Since all of us know that there is still no cure for the pandemic “Coranavirus”.

The only thing that could save us from this hazardous virus is “High immunity”.

This post is going to be long as I will try to share as much information as I can.

Let’s understand what is “Immunity

How to find low immunity?

After a lot of explanation of the need for immunity, we have to know, what are symptoms of low immunity? So here symptoms are simple just observe your self and find if it is

Low immunity indicates easily get flu, cold. Getting tired easily indicates the weakness of the body.

How to Boost your immunity?🍍🍎

For increasing immunity, you may follow the following steps.

  1. Breathing exercises, especially ‘yoga'’s and pranayama

  1. Healthy foods, green veggies, fruits, especially fruits of the citrus family like lemon, Orange
  2. Hydrate your body. Drink plenty of water, eat seasonal fruits.
  3. Lower the stress level. Happy mood secretes such hormones that boost the immunity
  4. Get plenty of sleep


  • Proper sleep increases your immunity.
  • Normally a person should take 6-8 hours' sleep.


  • Fat increases the strength of the immune system.
  • Maintain a healthy weight to increase your immunity.


  • Water is the basic necessity of life.
  • It eliminates the toxins from our body and also contains oxygen in it which is good for your health.


  • When we are in stress our body is unable to off antigen that's why we are susceptible to infection.
  • Stress hormones suppress our immune system (decrease WBC rate )


  • Citrous fruit contains vitamin C which increases our WBC rate which is good for our Immunity.
  • In the palace of water, you can also take lemon water

👉👉👉10 easiest ways through which you can increase your immunity are as follows:

  1. Drink sufficient water- more than 2 litres of water
  2. Eat a healthy diet food
  3. Get adequate sleep- minimum 7 hours sound sleep is needed
  4. If you went somewhere outside, you should wash your hands and legs properly to avoid any type of dirt or germs.
  5. Exercise 6 days a week, and keep a rest day.
  6. Do not take unnecessary pain killers if the pain could be cured automatically within some time ( like head ache, leg ache, etc.)
  7. Wash your hands properly before eating.
  8. Be positive and do not take too much of stress.
  9. Always do not remain inside the house, go under the sunlight for some time, to make your body adjustable to both the conditions.
  10. Keep the environment clean as much as possible, both inside and outside your house.

##  Include following things  in the food ....!!

Almonds: Soaking 8-10 grains of almonds daily not only increases the body's immunity, but it also helps the brain to fight stress. You also get strength. Vitamin E helps in increasing the natural killer cells found naturally in the body.

oranges: Vitamins-C is found in sufficient amounts in citrus fruits like orange, lemon, pineapple and grapefruit, to fight against all kinds of infections. Is helpful in making white blood cells. Antibodies produced by their use create a coating on the surface of the cells, which does not allow the virus to enter the body.

Garlic: Garlic gives our immune system the power to fight against diseases by making a large amount of anti-oxidants. It contains such an element called allicin, which gives the body the power to fight against infection and bacteria. The use of garlic in daily meals prevents stomach ulcers and cancer. Consuming two buds of garlic daily in the morning keeps high blood pressure under control and this also keeps the body's immune system strong for a long time.

Spinach: This leafy vegetable rich in nutrients is known as super food. It contains such an element called folate, which in addition to creating new cells in the body, also acts to repair the DNA present in those cells. Also, the fiber iron, antioxidant elements and vitamin-C in it keep the body healthy in every way.

Mushrooms: Mushrooms have been consumed throughout the world for centuries to strengthen the body's immunity. It is helpful in activating white blood cells. It contains minerals called selenium, antioxidant elements vitamin-B, riboflavin and niacin. Due to these, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-tumor elements are found in mushrooms. In the species of mushrooms called shiitake, eraser, and reishi, sufficient elements are found to strengthen the body's immunity. If 30 grams of mushroom is consumed daily, then the immune system remains strong. It can be better used with salad, soup and pasta.

Broccoli: In addition to vitamins A and C, there is an anti-oxidant element called glutathione. It is such a vegetable that strengthens the immune system, which you can easily use in everyday food.


Blueberries contain a type of flavonoid called anthocyanin, which has antioxidant properties that can help boost a person’s immune system. Flavonoids play an essential role in the respiratory tract’s immune defense system. Blueberries are considered one of the best fruit for a person who is struggling from lack of immunity power.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains an antioxidant called theobromine, which helps you to boost your immune system by protecting the body’s cells from free radicals. Free radicals can damage the body’s cells & may contribute to various diseases.They are also high in calories & saturated fats, which is good for your immune system.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a rich source of Vitamin-E. This antioxidant improves the immune system of the body. It fights off the radicals which can damage the cells of your body.

Red bell pepper

Red bell pepper is also a great source of Vitamin-C. So if you don’t like to sweet or sugary stuff, then you can go for this one.


Another great source of Vitamin-C. Apart from that, they also have a digestive enzyme calle papin that has anti-inflammatory effects. They also contain potassium, magnesium & folate, all of which are beneficial to your immune system & your overall health.


Like papayas, kiwis are naturally full of a ton of essential nutrients, including folate, potassium, Vitamic-K and Vitamin-C.These nutrients keep the your body functioning properly & boosts your immune system.


Making juices, smoothies, and nutritional drinks is one of the tastier ways to stay healthy. Here are some drinks you can prepare at your home with minimal ingredients.

  1. Ashwagandha Drink

Ashwagandha is an Indian herb & is well known to instantly boost your immune system.

Take one glass of hot milk & add 1 Tbsp of Ashwagandha powder in it. Consume this drink once a day. The best time to have this drink is in the night before sleeping.

2. Turmeric Drink

Turmeric is a common spice of India. It boosts your immunity through its amazing antioxidant, anti inflammatory & Anti microbial properties.
Take one glass of hot milk & add 1 tsp of turmeric in it. Turmeric milk will instantly shield your body from infectious microbes.

The best time to drink this is 1–2 hours before sleeping.

3. Giloy Drink

Giloy, an ayurvedic herb which is also known as Amrita(Root of immortality). It helps remove the toxins, purifies the blood & fights the bacteria in your body. Take one glass of lukewarm water & add 1 Tbsp of giloy powder in it. Have this drink empty stomach in the morning.

4. Mint drink

This is one of the best drinks to boost your immune system instantly. Take some water in a pan, add 1/2 tsp of turmeric & let it boil for 2 minutes. Now add 10–12 mint leaves into it & let it boil for another 2–3 minutes. Drain the mixture in a glass & let it cool. Then add 1 tbsp of honey into it. This drink has all the antioxidants to fight the unwanted microbes in the body.

The best time to have this drink is in the evening.

5. Citrus Juices (Orange, Grapefruit etc)

Packed with Vitamin-C, these juices has the properties which helps you to protect from the substances that damages your body. Notable nutrients that these fruits contains are potassium, Vitamin-A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin-C & Zinc.

6. Tomato juice

Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin B9, commonly known as folate. It helps lower your risk of infection & also provides modest amount of magnesium, an anti inflammatory. It also contains Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C & Vitamin-K, which are the great sources to augment your immune system.

7. Watermelon Juice

Watermelon is not only rich in Vitamin-C & arginine (which can bolster your immune system), but it also can help relieve your muscle soreness. Muscle soreness is a common symptom of the flu, especially in older adults.

Due to its heavy water content, you don’t need to add a lot of stuff to make a drink. Just blend it on a blender with the seeds & pour it on a clear glass. After than put some mint leaves on the top & you are ready to go. Nutrients you will get from watermelon includes arginine, citrulline, magnesium, Vitamin-A & Vitamin-C.


  • Eat a healthy & A balanced diet.
  • Drink enough water to stay hydrated (3–4 litres).
  • Eat seasonal fruits daily.
  • Stay away from drinking & smoking as much as you can.
  • Get Vitamin-D from the sun daily.
  • Minimize the consumption of sugary junk foods.

That’s it. I hope this answer helped you in some manner. I tried my best to provide maximum information in this single post.

Please share with your friends.......***

Health🚶 is your real wealth.....🏆


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